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Bandung IoT Maker Day 2020

Makestro came back to the surface and held an event for Makers (Hardware Designer and Engineer, Firmware and Software Developer, etc.) with the title “Bandung IoT Maker Day 2020”. This event was powered by DTDS Singapore, as one of the biggest distributors of electronics components. They want to bring their brand to Indonesia as a one-stop components supplier and consultant. They also have a lot of product franchises consisting of; Renesas, Intersil, MPS, Semtech, Liteon, Omnivision, Shindengen, Netvox, and many more.

DycodeX also contributed to this event and shared about Smart Agricultural. SMARTernak also brought to the exhibition along aside with the products from DTDS.

At break time, all participants were welcome to visit the exhibition.

The enthusiasm from all participants was big. Since the gate opens for registration, they already queue in line. The event started at 9.00 AM and ended at 5.00 PM, until the end of the event, there were still a lot of participants who stayed longer to talk and discuss with the speakers about their current project, obstacles, and their needs. Based on the purpose of this event, from A to Z on designing and developing IoT devices, the main topics at this seminar are regarding about IoT with Smart Community, IoT Monitoring Sensor, Power Up your IoT Device and Power Management for Industrial IoT.

Lately, the IoT industry in Indonesia is growing rapidly. That’s why many Makers with brilliant ideas are needed, to make Indonesia a better country and be able to compete with other countries in the field of technology. Hopefully, there will be a lot of similar events to accommodate IoT enthusiasts in Indonesia to help them build something new, their innovation, and literally… make all Makers' dreams come true.

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