Some background story...
Back then we registered to be The GSM Association (GSMA) partner, with our IoT use case: SMARTernak. GSMA is an industry organization that represents the interests of mobile network operators worldwide. More than 750 mobile operators are full GSMA members and a further 400 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem are associate members, and SMARTernak is one of among use cases which also uses the mobile network technology, NB-IoT.
Then, last September, we got the invitation to join the GSMA Event. We are honored to be the only startup from Indonesia exhibiting in the prestigious APAC IoT Innovation Expo, in Kuala Lumpur 24-26 September 2019.
At the event, we also had the opportunity to be interviewed about our product in front of our booth there. Watch the interview here:
On the last day, our CEO (Andri Yadi) on behalf of Indonesia IoT Association had a panel discussion about “Fostering IoT Ecosystem”. Watch here:
In another session, he had a chance to talk about IoT Innovation and Ecosystem: “E2E IoT Solution for Cattle Farming”. Watch here:
It was a great experience for us, but it doesn’t stop there. We get the exclusivity to published in their February 2020 bulletin “Internet of Things Case Studies: Leading the World of Innovation In ASIA PACIFIC”. The case studies showing that cellular technology is happening at IoT level. Read the PDF here: