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Get to know what we can do with the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence Solutions
in the real world.

DycodeX and SMARTernak Featured on the GSMA
Some background story... Back then we registered to be The GSM Association (GSMA) partner, with our IoT use case: SMARTernak. GSMA is an...
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Initial Deployment SMARTernak in Cianjur, Jawa Barat
We have just successfully deployed SMARTernak at Balai Perbibitan dan Pengembangan Inseminasi Buatan Ternak Sapi Perah* (BPPIBTSP) of...
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Solusi Nyata Peternakan Berbasis Teknologi
Expo Peternakan Jawa Barat 2019, yang diselenggarakan oleh Dinas Ketahanan Pangan dan Peternakan (DKPP) Jawa Barat, akan dilangsungkan...
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Kontribusi SMARTernak dalam Integrated Cattle and Oil-Palm Production (ICOP) Conference 2019
Jakarta, 23 Oktober 2019 – SMARTernak turut menghadiri Integrated Cattle and Oil-Palm Production (ICOP) Conference 2019 yang diprakarsai...
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DycodeX Pamerkan Produk di Indonesia Industrial Summit 2019
DycodeX kembali berkesempatan untuk mengenalkan kepada masyarakat mengenai berbagai produk berbasis Internet of Things (IoT) dalam...
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President Joko Widodo Visits DycodeX at BCCF, Endorses Bandung Creative Industry
Bandung’s creative industry gets the spotlight of the government in Bandung, West Java. President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko...
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DycodeX Claims First Successful NB-IoT Field Trial in Indonesia with SMARTernak
Majalengka, 9 October 2018 — DycodeX marks a milestone in the local IoT industry as the first company to conduct Indonesia’s first NB-IoT...
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Andri Yadi tentang Google Demo Day Asia: “Pengalaman Luar Biasa!”
DycodeX, mewakili KIBAR, bangga mewakili Indonesia sebagai satu-satunya startup tanah air yang maju ke ajang Google Demo Day Asia di...
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SMARTernak Conducts Fourth Field Trial to Improve AI by Collecting Cattle Behavioral Pattern
Subang, West Java — SMARTernak by DycodeX, Indonesia’s first home-grown Precision Livestock Farming solution based on Internet of Things...
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Quicklook: SMARTernak Web Dashboard
SMARTernak reveals its web dashboard to the public eye for the first via a video demo shown at Asia IoT Business Platform. This web...
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SMARTernak Tracker and Health & Productivity to Revolutionize Indonesia’s Cattle Farming Industry
Indonesia is having a dire problem in terms of beef production: the local beef production is less than 60% of the needs. This is in...
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SMARTernak Third Version Trial in Subang, West Java
One of DycodeX’s flagship products for precision farming, SmarTernak, has now entered the third trial phase. This trial process is needed...
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SMARTernak, The New Product for Precision Livestock Farming
DycodeX has developed an IoT product devoted to precision livestock farming, the SMARTernak. This compact tool can provide comprehensive...
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IoT Solutions For Livestock Farming
Technological developments have brought many changes in various aspects of life. One of them was a change in the field of livestock...
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