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SMARTernak, The New Product for Precision Livestock Farming

DycodeX has developed an IoT product devoted to precision livestock farming, the SMARTernak. This compact tool can provide comprehensive information on livestock welfare and situation with its sophisticated technology.

On April 11-15, 2018, the DycodeX team conducted a test of SMARTernak implementation at the Superior Livestock Breeding and Forage of Animal Feed Center (BPTUHPT) of Padang Mengatas, West Sumatera. In collaboration with the Indonesian government department of animal husbandry, DycodeX had the opportunity to conduct trials on 280 hectares of land consisting of three types of cows, in total 1400 of them. DycodeX prepares eight devices to be installed in the bodies of cows on the farm.

SMARTernak is the first IoT product in Indonesia for more comprehensive livestock management. This device is integrated with the backend system in the cloud, making it easier for users to access data through mobile and web applications. The system in this device will help you to know the location and condition of livestock at any time, so the quality and productivity of livestock can be improved.

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