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LoRa Conference Indonesia 2018 Jakarta : The First Ever LoRa Conference in Asia!

The development of communication networks is now growing rapidly. One of them is the Long Range (LoRa) technology, a low-power wireless platform, which has become one of the options for building IoT networks worldwide. LoRa can provide coverage that is greater in range compared to that of existing cellular networks.

As one of the most widely used networks in Asia, we thought this is the perfect time to hold a conference on LoRa technology in Asia. LoRa Conference Indonesia 2018 was held on April 25th at MINDTORIUM Wisma 77 Tower 2, Jakarta. This is the first LoRa Conference ever held in Asia, and the second in the world. This event was organized by Makestro, in collaboration with DycodeX, Semtech, Multi Kontrol Nusantara, Polytron Indonesia, DTDS, and LoRa Alliance.

Notable speakers were Ir. Mochamad Hadiyana, M.Eng., Director of Postal and Informatics Device Standardization from Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics. Mr. Hadiyana talked about the regulation is IoT technology which is currently being refined by the government and soon will accommodate the industry players in Indonesia. Other notable speakers were Ir. Gunawan Wibisono, M.Sc, Ph.D, from Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Indonesia, Hari Venkatesh, Field Application Engineer from Semtech, Tan Wei Lip, Senior Field Application Engineer from DTDS, and many more experts from IoT industry whose also whoshared their presentations about LoRa and the IoT industry. At the end of the conference, CEO of Dycode, Andri Yadi, along with Alwin Arrasyid, Lead Software Engineer from DycodeX, held a mini panel discussion with Sugeng Imbran from SGrid Indonesia.

At this conference, the visitors can meet and discuss directly about Lora with industry players and experts. Each presentation gave new event insights about IoT and LoRa, which also can grow new business potential in this field. Hopefully, this event would trigger other conferences about LoRa technology in Indonesia in the future.

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